My name is Sara, and I'm a paper hoarder.
I'm trying to be better at it - REALLY I am! The problem is that there are just so many pretty patterns, and I have a hard time cutting into some of the gorgeousness.
But I'm working on it, which is the point of today's post. I have a scads of Christmas paper. More than I'll use in a lifetime of Christmases - particularly since I keep buying more. So I'm determined to use up some old stuff. And for a good cause.
I've been working on stacks of simple Christmas Cards to use up my piles of papers. I'll make up to a dozen of the same style (depending on how much of each type of paper I have. And I created this cute bag to store four cards (with their envelope) each.
My plan is to add postage to the envelopes, and take these to a local nursing home around Thanksgiving. The staff can then pass them out to residents to use to send a card this holiday season. They would also be great to use as neighbor gifts - just be sure to gift them early enough that people can send them out. And this can also be adapted for other times of year - perhaps a batch of birthday cards, or a set of valentines?
Thanks for stopping by!
Much love,

PS. Curious as to what I'm up to in between blog posts? Do you want to see other projects that I DON'T post about here on my blog? Click on the little Social Media icons over on the right to follow me and see what else I'm doing!
What a wonderful project and a nice way to use up all of that paper. (I'm a fellow paper hoarder. If I use it, I won't have it. Right?) The idea of decorating the bag and using it for four cards is brilliant! I also like the idea of adding postage and taking them to the nursing home. What a blessing that would be to them! Thank you so much for sharing. --Dee Hunt