If you look carefully in the background of the photo of me with the flags, you'll notice snow still on the mountains. It was pleasant in town though - maybe a bit too much. I hadn't realized as we were putting out the flags that I was getting roasted! Ouchie!
We spent most of the weekend relaxing. Well, my husband relaxed - I got sick almost the minute we pulled into town, so I spent my time recuperating. We did make a quick trip over to the lake with the dogs, on one day. After over a decade of trips to the area, my husband finally decided he should see the lake. Sierra (shown below) adores water, so I knew she'd like this. She went straight in! I only let her get her paws wet though, as it is still quite cold water. It's usually about July before I'd want to be in that water very long!
Isn't the water pretty? Bear Lake is known for it's blue water. It has to do with the limestone deposits in the lake.
Pretty much all of Eastern Idaho is gorgeous this time of year. I love being able to just look at the view as my husband drives, because I know in a couple of months, everything will be dry and brown. Despite being sick, it was a fun trip. Though we were glad when we loaded up to go home. There's nothing like you're own bed. And then...
We had a little break down on the side of the road. Thankfully, my husband knew a mechanic in the area through his work, and was able to make some phone calls to get us taken care of. It was only a few hours delay in the process. I was so glad we had plenty of water, the dogs were well behaved, and it wasn't up to the temperatures it gets to in mid-summer. We did eventually get back on our way, and made it home last night.
And, of course, today will be spent in the craft room. I've missed it!
Thanks for stopping by!
Much love,

Gorgeous scenery! Hope you are feeling better!